Thursday, November 3, 2011


          Just in case on one told you today: YOUR AMAZING! I hope you are doing well in this lovely Thursday afternoon. I am sitting here drinking some hot cocoa and listening to some Billie Holiday, I have to say that I love this cold season the leaves turn into beautiful colors of yellow and orange, and I love that I get to wear cuter clothes and my scarfs. But this cold weather makes me feel a little lonely :(  do you feel lonely during the winter? I had a huge panic attack the other evening, and I was a huge mess tears and all that bad stuff. I realized that I have been an ungrateful bitch lately, and that I have to realize that I have a life that is planned out for me in a certain way. I had a horrible past couple of years I am still an emotional train wreck from what happened, but I need and must move forward. I have a problem I hold on to grudges for too long, and how could I ever expect to move on with hate still in my heart? it is not possible. I wanted revenge and that is not how one should live life, trying to get revenge for something is the biggest mistake ever. I want to make a list of 10 things I am grateful for, so here is my list: 

1. I am thankful for my family: my small beautiful family who love me so much, and I drive them crazy! I am lucky to have people who love me. 

2 I am thankful to have had an education: I was given the chance to follow my dreams, and I am so thankful for that opportunity not everyone has an education, or even a pencil to write with. 

3. I am thankful for my friends: My lovely beautiful friends who care for me so much and have been with me through thick and thin. 

4. I am thankful for being talented: at what I do, and I love it . I love that I get to make people feel beautiful, and to meet them this is why I do what I do because I want to make people smile.  

5. I am thankful for having a house: yes my cozy little house that I love with a warm bed. 

6. I am thankful that I have clean water: to drink not a lot of people have what I have. 

7. I am thankful for the people I have met: all the people the bad for making me strong, the good for giving me strength, to the dead for being a part of my life, and who are alive I love you for sticking with me. 

8. I am thankful for my momma: I know I already said family but this woman deserve everything in life. She cried when I cried, helped me walk when I couldn't walk, she gave me life, raised me, and taught me how to be a woman. 

9. I am thankful for loving: I am thankful that I have loved so much in this life. 

10. I am thankful for my LIFE: I am so happy I get to live in this world that is completely crazy but I love every minute of it. The good times and the bad time, I LOVE YOU LIFE. 

We have to be thankful for everything we have in this life. We were given this life for a purpose and we can't screw it up, and we have to be strong and not give in to the negativity in this world. I life is so beautiful from the leaves on the trees to the stars in the night sky. Love with all your heart, do what you love, and love yourself. 


photos from: cherrybam 

Monday, October 31, 2011

Positivity can change everything!

        Whenever I feel a little down here are some of the things I think about or do to make me feel better, and I hope they make you feel better too!! 

1. Smile: it's your best accessory, smiling can make you feel and look younger.

2. Think Positive: I know we all have crummy days, but after every rain storm there is a rainbow. The more we think positive the less miserable we feel in life, one positive thought can change your whole mood.

3. Believe: In yourself that is, if you believe in yourself anything is possible. When people say negative things they want you to believe that your not good enough, and if you believe all the negative comments people say then that is a HUGE mistake.

4. Give: To the world or community we live in. Giving to people makes me feel great! I donate food, clothing, and blankets to the homeless shelter. We have to help each other out during these hard economic times.

5. Stay healthy: Eating right and drinking water daily, helps your skin glow and also helps stop breakouts! Not only will you be healthy, you will have beautiful skin. I am trying to eat more healthy and I cut out juices and sodas from my diet and I have had no breakouts! It's not easy but I cut lemon or put mint leaves in my water to make it tasty. 

6. Breath: take a break from all your daily stress, and just breath. Do something you love, and you will feel better about yourself. Take a little time off from your busy schedule. 

     Beauty is not all about the clothes we wear or the make-up we put on. Beauty is about the things we do, how we feel inside, and how we make others feel about themselves. I have come a long way from where I used to be, and I want to share my journey with you.

Stay tuned for more blog postings follow me on...
twitter: @GabrielaSohee

Hugs & Kisses,

Photo courtesy of: cherrybam.